Why Some Beautiful Women Choose Average Men (Scientifically Proven)

Have you ever noticed that some beautiful women end up with men who don't look as good as them?

And have you ever wondered why that is?

Now, of course, an obvious reason why it can happen is because of money.

We all know that, for example, if you see a short, old man like this with a hot young blonde woman, it's almost a 100% certainty that it's because of money.

There's basically no doubt about it at all.

Yet what about when the guy isn't rich?

What about when he likely doesn't have a car and can't even afford an Uber or a taxi to the point where he rides the bus with his girl and doesn't even give up his seat for her?

He's just sitting there like a boss, and he's got his cap up high like a homeboy, and his girl's just standing there.

How about a guy who seems a little scruffy and is almost certainly not rich?

Because approximately 99% of men in this world are not rich, and the average age of millionaires is actually 57 years old.

So when you see a young guy with an attractive woman, it doesn't instantly mean that, "Oh, he's rich. That's why she's with him."

Because what about when the guy has a casual job, a part-time job, or a low-paying full-time job, and just looks like an ordinary guy?

It doesn't always mean that it's about money.

Instead, it's about something else entirely that I will explain for you in this video.

So here's the thing: a lot of guys go through life thinking that women want a man who looks very good-looking, and in fact, maybe even better looking than they are.

Because if she's pretty, then she's definitely going to want a guy who looks very handsome.

Now, that definitely does happen.

There are women out there who are pretty, who are beautiful, who want a man who's very handsome, and they will not accept anything else other than that.

But have you ever noticed that many beautiful women have boyfriends who don't look as good as them physically?

Why does that happen?

What's going on there?

How can guys get themselves a pretty girlfriend or wife when they don't even look as good as her?

What's going on?

Well, multiple psychological studies have actually proven that while men feel more satisfied when they're in a relationship with a woman who's physically attractive, a woman doesn't actually get any more or less satisfaction from being with a man who is physically attractive.

Additionally, if a woman gets into a relationship with a man who is better looking than her, then those relationships are actually more likely to end in a breakup or divorce.

So, the woman isn't that physically attractive, and the man is handsome—those relationships are more likely to end up in a breakup or divorce.

One of the reasons for that is that men do place more importance on a woman's physical appearance than women place on a man's physical appearance.

That doesn't mean that women can't feel physical attraction, that they don't care about physical attraction, or that they can't feel attracted to handsome men.

It doesn't mean anything like that at all.

Instead, what it does mean—and it has been proven time and time again—is that most women do place less importance on a man's physical appearance and place way more importance on his emotional attractiveness.

An example of that is whether the guy is insecure or confident.

If he's insecure, he's going to be emotionally unattractive to the woman because women are not attracted to fear in men or emotional weakness.

On the other hand, if the man is confident, the woman is going to feel attracted because women are attracted to a man's emotional strength.

Another example is when a woman isn't being reassuring when interacting with a man.

So she's not just being nice and laughing at all of his jokes; instead, she's being a little bit neutral at times, or she may say something a little bit challenging to test him in the moment and see how he reacts.

If the guy reacts by seeming confused or worried or feeling like he's getting rejected or he's frustrated and so forth, then the woman gets a sense that she may be able to easily walk all over him.

As a result, she'll end up feeling like a bit of a big sister to him if they got into a relationship, or even a mother figure, and that's not the dynamic between a man and a woman that creates sexual attraction.

So that's just one of the reasons why a woman's attraction does work differently from a man's attraction.

Yet for most men, the most important thing—especially initially and also ongoing in a relationship—is how the woman looks.

Now, she doesn't have to be a supermodel or model or anything like that.

Instead, he just needs to be able to look at her and find her physically attractive.

If that's the case, and he appreciates and values what he has, then he'll be much more likely to do what it takes to keep the relationship going.

But if a guy is with a woman where he feels like, "Yeah, that's my girl," and he kind of feels a bit embarrassed to be with her or he's not proud to be with her, then he's going to be much less likely to do what it takes to make the relationship work.

So if she complains about something in the relationship, he may not care much or at all because he doesn't really value her and isn't planning on staying with her anyway.

In relationships like that, the woman often ends up breaking up with the man because she feels taken for granted.

In some cases, the man is then devastated and sometimes desperately wants to get her back, even though he doesn't feel physically attracted to her and isn't planning on staying with her in the long run.

Yet the thing is, when it's the other way around, where a man is with a woman that he finds physically attractive, then it usually means that he'll feel motivated to put in the effort required to actually keep a relationship going rather than just taking her for granted and thinking, "Oh well, you know, if she stays or leaves, I don't care," sort of thing.

If a man actually feels like, "Hang on, I've got a good deal here, this girl is hot, or I find this woman beautiful," then he's more likely to not want to lose that, and he's more likely to put in the effort to keep the relationship going and make sure that it works rather than just taking her for granted.

Now, if he's also the sort of guy who can make her feel that way, where she feels like she doesn't want to take him for granted, she wants to make him feel appreciated, she wants to make him feel loved, then there are a couple of winners.

They've won the relationship lottery, where both of them are going to feel happy, fulfilled, in love, appreciated, respected in the relationship, and they're going to be able to stay together.

But what about handsome men?

A lot of handsome men contact me and need help because they struggle to get a girlfriend as a result of being unfairly judged.

A lot of women will look at a handsome man and assume that he's just going to be some sort of player, and they're afraid that he's not going to find them attractive enough, and he's going to then cheat.

He's going to get bored, and he's going to have lots of options with women because he's handsome, he gets lots of looks, and he may choose another woman and just go off with her.

She might have a child with him, or she may have gotten married, and now she has to go through all of that and be divorced, be rejected, be cheated on, be left behind, and so forth.

Even though the handsome man is an honest guy and has good intentions with her, has no intention of ever cheating on her, and wants to make a relationship work, he doesn't want to go sleeping around; he just wants to be with her.

She can have that fear of, "Well, what if he changes his mind?"

If he changes his mind, and he's a tall, handsome guy, then he should be able to get another woman because of his looks.

Maybe she won't be as attractive as the woman he's with at the moment, but that doesn't really matter to the woman that he's potentially going to cheat on.

She's worried about the pain of being cheated on, rejected, dumped, left behind, the shame of a divorce, or even just a breakup after introducing him to her family, having great times together, and then having to say, "Oh well, look, he left me for another woman."

A lot of women would rather opt for, "Okay, this guy clearly isn't a handsome model, but you know what? He's a good guy, he seems to really like me, and he might be funny, or he might be charming, he might be socially intelligent, he might be emotionally intelligent."

He will have some emotionally attractive qualities that she places importance on, and she is happy to be with him because most women do place more importance on a man's emotional attractiveness rather than just physical.

Now, that doesn't mean that there aren't women out there who have physical attraction as their number one thing.

There are women out there who look at men and instantly judge them on their looks and say, "No, he's not handsome; I'm not interested," and she really isn't interested.

She doesn't want to talk to him; she doesn't want to get to know him, and so on.

She wants to get herself a tall, handsome man with muscles, and maybe even rich as well.

But good luck with that.

Women who have that sort of list usually end up going into their 30s and 40s still not settled down.

But some women do, of course, find a man like that, and congratulations to them, of course.

Hopefully, they're happy together.

Hopefully, they remain in love.

Hopefully, everything is fine for them.

But most women know deep down that they aren't going to find a man who has a huge list of requirements that they may have mentioned here and there.

"Oh, he's got to be good-looking, he's got to be this, he's got

 to be that."

Most women know deep down that those fantasy lists that they have and the random things that they say really aren't something that they're going to stick by 100%.

Because if that was the case, then you wouldn't see women with guys who don't look like anything special.

The woman might be cute, she might be pretty, she might be beautiful, and she's got herself a boyfriend who isn't better looking than her.

He's not a male model, and he's not ripped, and doesn't have huge muscles or anything like that.

He's just a normal guy, and she's very happy with that because there are going to be things about him that she finds attractive.

And those things are primarily going to be his emotionally attractive qualities.

By the way, before I give you another secret about this, which will boost your confidence around women that you find attractive, I'll just point out that if you want to learn what to say and do to make women feel emotionally attracted to you—how to display the sort of confidence that women find attractive, how to display what I call masculine charm, how to use the type of humor that women find attractive, how to flirt with women and create sexual tension, and so on—then I recommend that you head over to masterattraction.com and join the Attraction Mastery Training.

When you do that, you also get instant access to the Master Attraction Community.

And that's a place where you can make new friends, you can find a wingman, you can ask for advice from fellow members, you can give advice to a fellow member, and essentially never feel alone with this area of your life ever again.

By the way, the attraction techniques that you learn in the first two lessons are so powerful that you can expect to achieve the following results when you use them during an interaction with a woman:

For single men, you can attract a woman enough to get a phone number, kiss, sex, or relationship.

For friend-zoned men, she suddenly feels sexually and romantically attracted to you and stops looking at you as just a friend.

For men in relationships with women, the sexual and romantic spark immediately begins to come back and makes your girlfriend or wife appreciate you and respect you so much more.

Before I give you the secret, I have to address something here that some guys may be thinking.

I usually get comments like, "You know, who's this ginger-bearded guy, and how could he know anything about women? He's probably a virgin," and so forth.

Not a virgin.

What happened is that, essentially, I thought women didn't want me because of my physical appearance.

Right, my bent nose, my thin lips, my high hairline, which has always been like that, and I thought that that was it—women didn't like me because I wasn't good-looking enough.

But thankfully, I thought more than that.

Thankfully, I figured out that you can actually make women feel attracted to you by displaying behaviors and traits that they find sexually and romantically attractive.

And when I did that, the floodgates opened.

I went from having no women interested in me to kissing women, having sex with women on the first night, and having so many women in my life that I really shouldn't say the number because it's too much for some guys to hear.

I've experienced that over the years when some guys have heard the number, so I'll just say a lot of women.

I enjoyed my choice of women for over 10 years, and sometimes I had multiple girlfriends at once.

A number of women asked me to marry them and settle down, but I wasn't ready.

One of my girlfriends even tattooed my name on her back, but I still didn't want to settle down.

It was great, it was fun, it was a fun relationship and so forth, but deep down, something told me to keep going and master the art of attraction to truly understand it.

And I'm glad I did. I'm glad I kept going because it allowed me to truly understand what is going on in terms of male-female attraction—how to instantly make women feel attracted to you, and how to maintain the attraction in a relationship.

And of course, I was able to do that, but I wasn't ready to settle down.

Then I did meet my perfect girl when I was 35 and she was 20, and I decided to get into a committed relationship with her.

We eventually got married, and we eventually had our twin daughters.

And with our twin daughters, we have a happy, loving family together.

So now that that's out of the way, and you know that I'm not just some random ginger-bearded guy sitting down talking a bunch of crap, I actually know what I'm talking about.

I'll tell you the next secret.

So, have you ever heard a woman say about her boyfriend or husband, "I wasn't initially attracted to him, but once we started talking, I felt a spark. We fell in love, and the rest is history?"

You may have heard a woman say something along those sorts of lines.

So what does a woman mean by that, and how does it happen?

What she means is that when she initially looked at him, she said no in her mind.

"He doesn't look physically attractive; I'm not attracted to him; I'm not interested."

But he started talking to her, and he displayed some traits that made her feel emotionally attracted to him, and there was a spark.

Now, some guys watching this may say, "Hang on, well look, he got her now, but if she meets a handsome guy, then she's going to leave him."

Now, while that can happen, statistically speaking, the relationships where the man is better looking than the woman are more likely to end in a breakup or divorce compared to relationships where the woman is better looking.

That doesn't mean that all the guy has to do is get a more attractive woman and he's set for life.

Instead, it means that in most cases, a man who has what he feels is a good deal with the woman is usually going to be more likely to want to put in the effort to level up.

If he's being insecure in the relationship and she complains about that, he's more likely to feel like, "Okay, well I better become more confident, otherwise she might leave me."

And if she leaves him, he's going to be devastated.

So he's like, "Okay, well what do I need to do to become more confident, or what do I need to do to stop taking her for granted, or what do I need to do to stop being so emotionally sensitive, or what do I need to do to stop getting into arguments with her? What do I need to do?"

And he's more likely to do it.

Whereas if a guy is with a woman that he doesn't really value that much because of her appearance, and she complains to him, he is less likely to feel like he should really do something about it.

It's like, "I don't really care; she stays or leaves—who gives a stuff?"

So when a man does get a woman who is more physically attractive than him, it doesn't mean that she's automatically going to leave him and go for a more handsome guy.

Instead, he can keep the relationship together, and they can both be happy if he understands how to maintain her emotional attraction to him.

If he turns into an insecure, wimpy guy in the relationship when he wasn't that way at the start, then she's going to lose interest.

She's not just going to stay with him because she's the better-looking one or something like that.

She's going to stay with him if he can be emotionally attractive to her.

Likewise, when you meet women in person, many women that you meet do place more importance on your emotional attractiveness—in other words, how confident you are when interacting with them versus insecure.

That's just a simple, easy-to-understand example, but there's a lot more to emotional attraction.

And guys who get it naturally, they enjoy their choice of women—they enjoy success with women.

It's very easy for them.

But if you ask them, they'll usually say things to you like, "Just be yourself, bro," or "Just be confident."

And sometimes it's because they don't want to share the secrets with other guys—they know the secrets.

But in other cases, they haven't really thought about it too much.

They're just naturally good at being confident around women that they find attractive—being able to flirt with them, being able to use what I call masculine charm, being able to create sexual tension between him and the woman.

He's just naturally good at doing that with women that he finds attractive.

Whereas other guys look on and think, "What the heck? What do I need to say? What do I need to do? I don't get it."

And if he asks, he gets the old, "Just be yourself, bro," or "Just be confident."

But that's not the answer.

So, to close up here, I'll just point out that, yes, there are women out there who only want a handsome man and so forth.

But the reality is that a lot of women, including beautiful women, pretty women, and cute women, will get with a man who isn't as good-looking as they are, and she will be happy, in love, and she will stay with that man for life if he's able to be emotionally attractive to her.

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