"The More Attractive Traits You Can Display, the More Women Want You. It's as Simple as That."
Learn the 124 most powerful traits that make women feel sexual and romantic attractionâstarting with the first two, which have already helped members get kisses, sex, and new girlfriends. The faster you start, the faster women will see you as the man they want.

Year 1
1. Confidence
2. Emotional Masculinity
3. Humor
4. Masculine Charm
5. Sexual Confidence
6. Charisma
7. Social Intelligence
8. Boldness
9. Tact
10. Assertiveness
11. Status Â
12. Emotional Intelligence
13. Sexual Vibe
14. Self-Awareness
15. Emotional Independence
16. Alpha Mindset
17. Witty Banter
18. Emotional Maturity
19. Self-Respect
20. Authenticity Â
21. Flirting
22. Emotional Generosity
23. Untamed Energy
24. Loving Dominance

Year 2
25. Determination
26. Vocal Confidence
27. Secure Masculinity
28. Leadership Ability
29. Lightheartedness
30. Mystery
31. Purpose-Driven
32. Composure
33. Discretion
34. Self-Acceptance
35. Intelligent Listening
36. Ambition
37. Courage
38. Gallantry
39. Stoicism Â
40. Perseverance
41. Integrity
42. Self-Sufficiency
43. Empathy
44. Optimism
45. Self-Discipline
46. Persuasiveness
47. Stable Identity
48. Resilience Â

Year 3
49. Challenge
50. Unshaken Patience
51. Gravitas
52. Emotional Control
53. Decisiveness
54. Vulnerability
55. Cooperativeness
56. Emotional Depth
57. Calm Authority
58. Maverick Nature
59. Tenacity
60. Protective Nature
61. Sincerity
62. Command
63. Unpretentiousness
64. Competitiveness
65. Certitude
66. Self-Efficacy
67. Autonomy Appreciation
68. Resourcefulness
69. Audacity
70. Forgiving Nature
71. Growth Mindset
72. Principled NatureÂ

Year 4
73. Grounded Energy
74. Self-Assurance
75. Value-Driven
76. Spontaneity
77. Intrepidness
78. Purpose Progress
79. Pragmatism
80. Conscientiousness
81. Discernment
82. Fortitude
83. Temperance
84. Flexibility in Thought
85. Loyalty to Loved Ones
86. Perceptiveness Â
87. Nonchalance
88. Competence
89. Steadfastness
90. Levity
91. Resolve
92. Prowess
93. Willpower
94. Mental Toughness
95. Finesse
96. Virility

Year 5
97. Sensuality
98. Masculine Behavior
99. Edge
100. Directness
101. Potential
102. Subtlety
103. Unflappability
104. Focus
105. Adaptability
106. Presence
107. Proactivity
108. Uninhibitedness
109. Wisdom
110. Acumen
111. Astuteness
112. Effortless Ease
113. Brevity
114. Equanimity
115. Candor
116. Congruence
117. Diligence
118. Initiative
119. Self-Control
120. Adventurous Soul
"Use My Attraction Secrets and Youâll Get the Sex, Love and Respect You've Always Wanted From Women"

My name is Dan Bacon and I used to be single, lonely and frustrated about my lack of success with women.
I couldn't figure out why women didnât find me attractive and naturally assumed that I wasn't good-looking, tall, or successful enough (I'm 5"9).
I thought pretty women wouldn't be impressed enough by my appearance to want to be with me sexually and romantically.
After all, no pretty women were showing interest in me and when I tried to talk to them, they weren't interested in anything sexual or romantic.

It was a very sad time in my life.
When I would ask people for help, they'd say things like, "Maybe you're just not meeting the right women" or, "You will meet a nice girl one day, don't worry."
Yet, I was meeting different women all the time and they were nice, as well as pretty and they didn't want me.
Additionally, I kept seeing other guys around me easily get a girlfriend (and they weren't even good-looking in most cases), but I was still single, alone and unwanted.
It didn't make any sense why I was the one being overlooked, friend zoned and rejected.
Yet, I really wanted to figure it out.
I also wanted to have control over my life with women, rather than just waiting around, feeling lonely and unwanted by women.

Thankfully, around that time, I was lucky enough to make a new friend (above) and he and I agreed to go out and meet women on the weekends to figure out how to actually get a girlfriend.
Initially, both of us got rejected because we had no idea how to attract women.
Yet, I started to pay attention to what men who were naturally good with women were saying and doing.
...and eventually something clicked for me.
All of a sudden, I began to figure it out.
Female attraction started to making total sense to me.
Within weeks, I had realized countless things about women and attraction that most guys will never figure out.
It just all started to make sense to me.
It was crystal clear.
Yet, would it actually work?
I had to try it.

When I tried my new method of interacting with women, I was surprised (and very happy!) to see that women instantly began feeling attracted to me, giving me their number, kissing me and even going home with me for sex on the same night.
I couldn't believe it.
Women now wanted me!
My friend saw me getting results and started to do what I was doing and he also immediately began to get results, even though he is even shorter than me.
From that moment onward, I began dating and having sex with new women and ended up having to put a lot of women in the friend zone because I simply had better options.
I was now sexually desired, appreciated, respected and loved by women.
It felt so good to go from the pain of being unwanted by women, to literally having my choice of pretty women who really liked me.
Eventually, I figured out the secret of making a woman try to pick ME up when I first met them, which put me in the position of power as the selector.
Using this new secret made it 10 times easier (compared to trying to pick a woman up) because the woman was doing most of the work and trying to make something happen between her and I.
When I'd begin dating a new woman (or even after only having sex with her the first time), she would quickly start talking about marriage and settling down with me, or at least becoming my exclusive girlfriend.
It was such an amazing transformation to experience.
It still amazes me to this day that 95% of guys don't even know that it's possible to attract women at will, on purpose and not by luck.
95% of guys assume that a man needs to be tall, good looking and successful to be good enough for beautiful women.
Yet, the reality is that you can actually trigger a woman's attraction on purpose and when you do, she wants you.
Of course, it's not possible to attract and pick up every woman in the world, but you can definitely attract and pick up most of the women you meet.
...and she feels very attracted within seconds of you talking to her, as long as you are displaying some of the attractive traits that I teach here at Master Attraction.
Here are just some of the wonderful women I was intimately involved with before deciding to settle down with my perfect girl...
As someone who went from having no women interested in him, to enjoying his choice of women, I can tell you that understanding how to attract women gives you an unstoppable power and control over your dating and relationship life with women.
I've taught this to men all over the world and they instantly start getting results.
It works because attraction is a reaction to attractive traits.
For example: When you display confidence, a woman cannot stop herself from feeling a spark of attraction to that.
Yet, if you display insecurity, she cannot stop herself from feeling turned off by that.
When you know how to display the kind of traits that attract women, you are attractive to women.
It's as simple as that and it begins working right away.

Additionally, when you know how to attract women, you get to choose which woman gets to become your girlfriend, rather than hoping to get lucky, or worse - accepting a woman who you know isn't right for you.
Don't waste the next 10 or 20 years of your life feeling confused about what women want and getting rejected, dumped or cheated on in the process.
Decide now to gain complete control over your dating and relationship life with women now, once and for all.
If you join as a member today, I'll instantly begin teaching you attraction secrets that will allow you to get results (i.e. a date, kiss, sex) this month and then increasingly better results every month from then on.
I'm Ready to Start!Here's What You Get:

1. Attraction Mastery
You get two new video lessons every month from me, teaching you what to say and do to display the traits that make women feel sexually and romantically attracted to you.
I haven't taught these unique attraction secrets anywhere else; they are exclusive to Master Attraction.
Learning these attraction secrets 1-on-1 with me via phone coaching would cost a minimum of $1,497 per month.
Yet, because itâs 2 video lessons, instead of booking my time, you get the knowledge, techniques, examples and insights for less than 5% of the priceâplus, you can rewatch the lessons anytime you need while you are a member.
By applying what they learn in the Attraction Mastery video lessons, many members have had sex with new women, got dates, or a new girlfriend within the first month.
In many cases, members get a girlfriend, get a date or have sex with a new woman the first time they ever try the techniques from the first two lessons.
The first two lessons are that powerful (member success stories)!

2. Dan Bacon AI (FREE BONUS #1)
You get 24/7 coaching and support from Dan Bacon AI, which has been personally trained by me with thousands of unique examples of what to say and do.
It responds just I would if you were talking to me 1-on-1.
I spent several months training Dan Bacon AIÂ for it to be able to give you my expert advice on any situation you need help with regarding women.
I also continue to add new examples and insights to the AI several times per month.
You can upload text screenshots and Dan Bacon AI will analyze them and tell you exactly what to text next to get a result (e.g. get a date, get a woman to come over to your place).
Normally, this advice would cost $1497 per hour if you were learning from me on a 1-on-1 phone coaching call, but itâs included free with your membership.

With Dan Bacon AI, you get 24/7 support and expert, custom advice, just like if you were talking to me 1-on-1.
Whether you need the perfect text to send to woman you like, want to know what to say or do in any situation with a woman (e.g. starting conversations, initiating a kiss, getting to sex, starting a relationship, keeping a relationship together, getting woman back after a breakup), or you want to be able to explain your situation and get custom advice, Dan Bacon AI is ready to help you right now.

3. Master Attraction Community (FREE BONUS #2)
You get access to an exclusive private community of men learning directly from me, sharing what they are saying and doing to get results and helping each other succeed with women.
Whether you want a wingman to go out meeting women with, or want to be able to chat with other men who understand attraction and are getting results, the Master Attraction Community MAC is here for you.
BTW: You don't ever have to post anything in the community and can remain anonymous and just observe, if you prefer to learn privately.
Just by browsing through posts in the community, you will learn so many amazing things and be inspired by the results and experiences of your fellow MAC members.
Access to this amazing community could be charged as an add-on for at least $97 per month, but itâs included free with your membership

It costs $1497 per hour to learn these attraction secrets from me via phone coaching, but for only $67 per month, you get everything you need to succeed with women and get the results you want.
Here's What Members Are Saying
Here's How it Works

Level 1: Active Attraction
This is where you start.
At the Active Attraction level, you instantly get results (i.e, kissing, sex, relationship, love, respect) by actively displaying some attractive traits when interacting with a woman (e.g. confidence, emotional masculinity, masculine charm, humor).
The attraction techniques taught in first two lessons (Confidence and Emotional Masculinity) are so powerful that you can expect to achieve the following results when you use them during an interaction with a woman:
- For Single Men: You can attract a woman enough to get a phone number, kiss, sex, or relationship.
- For Friend-Zoned Men: She suddenly feels sexually and romantically attracted to you and stops looking at you as just a friend.
- For Men in Relationships With Women: The sexual and romantic spark will immediately begin to come back, which helps prevent a pending breakup (if there is one) and makes your girlfriend/wife appreciate and respect you so much more.

Level 2: Advanced Attraction
At the Advanced level, youâre so skilled at displaying attractive traits that the tables turn and women now try to get results with you.
If youâre single, women try to pick you up during interactions, or try hard to get you into a relationship when you begin dating.
In a relationship, your girlfriend or wife initiates affection, sex and shows you more respect, love, and appreciation than she ever did in the past.
However, you still have to focus and do it right because itâs not effortless for you yet (i.e. you're not yet at the mastery level).

Level 3: Mastery Attraction
At the Mastery level, you no longer have to try to attract women sexually, or romantically.
It is effortless and automatic for you now, just like walking, talking and breathing.
You can effortlessly display all of the 124 attractive traits, which makes women feel irresistibly attracted to you and never want to leave you.
You literally get to the point where women have a wow reaction to you, when they interact with you because you are attractive in so many ways.
- Month 1 -
Introduction: Your Mastery of Attraction Begins
This introductory video reveals the secret to getting immediate results with women and explains the 3 levels of attraction mastery youâll go throughâstarting today.
- Discover how to get quick results â Learn how to instantly make women feel attracted by displaying the first two traits: Confidence and Emotional Masculinity. Many members get results like kissing, sex, or a relationship within days or weeks of learning the attraction secrets from the first two lessons.
- Learn the secret of being in the position of power with women â Instead of hoping to attract a woman, youâll find out what makes her feel the urge to impress you, pursue you and want to be with you. This has resulted in members being approached by women, having women offer their number and even ask to be their girlfriend.
- Learn the secret that results in effortless attraction â Most men have no idea how to attract women, so they rely on luck and try hard to impress women, only to end up rejected or dumped. Yet, you will discover how to effortlessly attract women and get results.
- Discover the secret to getting continuously better results â Youâll learn how to keep leveling up, ensuring that women feel increasingly attracted to you and never lose interest in a relationship, while other men continue to get rejected, friend zoned, or end up accepting women they're not even very attracted to.
This eye-opening introductory video is where your transformation begins.
This is going to change your life in so many amazing ways.
Watch the video now and take the first step toward becoming the man women feel irresistibly attracted to.
Lesson 1: Confidence
When a man lacks confidence around a woman, it prevents her from being able to feel true sexual and romantic attraction for him, which then leads to rejection, a lack of interest and a further reduction of the man's confidence in his attractiveness and appeal to women.
The more confidence a man loses, the less likely he is to talk to a woman he finds attractive when single, which results in missed opportunities with women who would have liked him.
In a relationship, diminishing confidence results in a man being more passive, timid and hesitant around his woman, which turns her off sexually and romantically.
This life-changing lesson about confidence provides you with a powerful, easy-to-use technique that instantly makes you feel confident around women that you find attractive and therefore, you are instantly more attractive to them.
You will be amazed at how differently women look at you and respond to you when you use this technique.
The technique also results in you becoming increasingly confident every day, for the rest of your life, which means that you will never have to feel insecure or unsure of yourself around a woman ever again.
Get ready to avoid the constant cycle of rejection and diminishing self-confidence and experience what itâs like to be truly confident and desired by women that you find attractive.
Lesson 2: Emotional Masculinity
Emotional masculinity means having the ability to handle and express your emotions in a way that shows you're strong and in control.
When a man lacks emotional masculinity, he will sometimes express emotions in a way that turns women off (i.e. too sensitive, feminine, insecure, seeking pity), or he will try to hide his emotions to seem strong and tough, but women will see right through his act and feel turned off anyway.
This lesson provides you with a technique that allows you to express emotions like a man and be respected and desired for it.
It also ensures that you will never feel uneasy, unsure or unstable around a woman ever again.
Using this technique instantly makes a new woman feel attracted to you sexually and romantically and also helps bring back the sexual spark in a relationship.
Prepare to experience a new level of respect and desire from women, thanks to your exceptionally high level of emotional masculinity that women crave and yearn for in a man.
Note: Each lesson (except for the lesson on Confidence) includes examples of what to say to attract women. There are approximately 100s of examples of what to say throughout the first year of lessons.
To recap, here's what you get when you sign up right now:
- Introductory video and the first two lessons of Attraction Mastery (Confidence and Emotional Masculinity) by Dan Bacon.
- Access to the Master Attraction Community.
- Live 24/7 support and advice from Dan Bacon AI.
- Month 2 -
Lesson 3: Humor
If a guy doesnât know how to use humor in a way that attracts women, he will often resort to safe, predictable jokes that donât make a woman laugh, or avoid using humor altogether and come across as being too neutral, or even boring to women.
This lesson teaches you how to move away from cautious, dull humor and master the art of using a type of humor (what I call Playfully Challenging Humor) that not only makes a woman laugh, but also sparks her sexual and romantic attraction for you, whether youâve just met her, or have been in a relationship with her for years, or decades.
Importantly, you wonât have to work hard at trying to be funny.
This lesson includes 54 examples of what to say to use Playfully Challenging Humor in a way that makes women feel sexually and romantically attracted to you. There are examples for single men and men in relationships with women.
Lesson 4: Masculine Charm
Masculine Charm gives you the charmingly rugged, but refined appeal of a James Bond kind of man, without having to wear a suit, be successful or be an international secret agent.
These days, most guys lack masculine charm because there are no real role models to learn it from. Most men you see on TV and in movies these days have been feminized, or are acting way too tough and cold.
Those approaches donât attract women in real life.
What does work is having the rare, highly-prized trait of masculine charm, which instantly makes a woman go âweak at the knees,â so to speak.
This is a trait that causes pretty women in their early 20s to instantly feel attracted to me (46 at the time of recording the lesson) and begin flirting with me, even though Iâm not trying to flirt with them or pick them up.
Itâs that powerfulâŚand based on my observations over the years, 98% of guys either don't know how to do it, or donât even know what it is.
By using the exclusive technique from this lesson, a woman instantly feels safe and willing to be feminine and girly around you, which makes her feel attracted to you in a deep, exciting and unforgettable way.
Itâs so rare for women to experience this type of attraction these days, which is why itâs so powerful and causes such an obvious reaction of desire from women.
Even with this one technique alone, a guy can attract women sexually when single and make his girlfriend or wife feel turned on and ready for sex in a relationship.
- Month 3 -Â
Lesson 5: Sexual Confidence
Women notice a manâs sexual confidence and feel drawn to it when they first make eye contact, or when they talk to him, or spend time with him.
Sexual confidence is a major turn-on for women, both in everyday interactions and during sex.
Unfortunately though, most single men these days struggle to project this type of confidence when meeting new women, which causes women to instantly lose interest (or friend zone him) because they simply donât feel excited, or turned on about the idea of having sex with him.
In relationships, men often start off feeling sexually confident, but that confidence then gets eroded by repeated rejections (when attempting to initiate sex, or even just a kiss or hug), or from the decreasing interest from their woman overall.
In either case, it can leave a man doubting his sexual appeal and hesitating to show his interest, which only further reduces attraction because women sense his lack of confidence and that turns them off.
This lesson provides you with an easy-to-use technique that not only instantly boosts your sexual confidence, but continually builds on it over time.
With increased sexual confidence, women find you more sexually and romantically attractive, enjoy your company more, and feel more excited and turned on during sex.
Get ready to make your mere presence arousing and exciting to women and enjoy all the fun that comes with it.
Lesson 6: Charisma
Charisma is not about being an extrovert or the center of attention.
Instead, women see you as charismatic based on the way you make them feel.
So, itâs more about them than you and therefore, charisma is not about you putting on a show or entertaining women at all.
Some men mistakenly assume they need to be loud, or flashy to be seen as charismatic, but those approaches usually push women away because it seems try-hard and even feminine.
Other men think that being charismatic is only for very good-looking, successful, or rich people, so they lower their energy and come across as plain, predictable, or passive and therefore, kill their natural charisma.
This lesson explains how to effortlessly display charisma in a way that magnetically draws women to you and makes them want to connect with you emotionally and sexually.
Once you know how to be charismatic in this way, you will see how easy and effortless it is and will begin enjoying the benefits of it (i.e. women not only feel attracted to you, but admire and appreciate you as well.
They see you as a quality, valuable man. People want to be your friend and spend time with you, people look up to you and become a valued, sought-after man).
Best of all, you donât have to put on a show, or be very outgoing or entertaining to do it because charisma is less about you and more other people.
Most guys don't know that and as a result, they feel like they can't be charismatic because they assume it's about being super energetic and entertaining.
When you begin displaying effortless charisma, you will become a magnet of attraction, liking, respect and admiration.
It completely changes your life in so many positive ways (i.e. with women, friends, at work, with family) because people appreciate and value you so much more.
- Month 4 -Â
Lesson 7: Social Intelligence
When a man doesnât understand the subtleties of interacting with women, he often misses cues or misunderstands the dynamic of the situation with a woman.
This leads to awkward moments, disinterest and confusing rejections.
Even a good-looking or successful man can find himself turned down if he canât connect on this level.
On the flip side, a man with average or below-average looks can impress and attract women by showing a high level of social intelligence.
This important trait allows him to easily understand what women really mean by what they say and do and then respond in ways that cause the woman to feel sexually and romantically attracted.
Social intelligence isn't just crucial for getting a new woman interested though.
It's also essential for keeping the spark alive in a relationship and ensuring that your woman respects and appreciates you in her life.
This lesson includes 3 techniques for social intelligence, as well as examples of what to say (for single men and men in relationships with women) and do that will completely transform your interactions with women.
You will notice how much more respect, appreciation, admiration and attraction women feel for you the moment you begin using these techniques.
Lesson 8: Boldness
Many men hesitate to express their sexual desires, which results in them missing out on crucial moments to connect sexually and intimately with women.
Without boldness, even handsome and successful men can struggle to maintain a woman's interest because they will seem too cautious and therefore, the woman will assume he lacks confidence, or too indifferent and therefore, the woman will assume heâs not even interested in her sexually.
On the other hand, a man who dares to be bold (in the right way) can turn a fleeting interaction into sex, love and a relationship with a new woman, or spontaneous sex with a girlfriend or wife.
Boldness communicates a strong, confident presence that makes a woman feel aroused, while also making her respect you and appreciate you.
It instantly shows her that youâre a man who knows what he wants and isnât afraid to go after it, which is incredibly appealing to women and extremely hard to find for them because most guys are either too nervous, nice or neutral around women they find attractive.
Having some boldness to you is not about being macho, or reckless.
Instead, itâs about being bold in a way that women want and welcome, while still being a respectable man.
Once you learn the powerful technique from this lesson, you will be amazed at how easy it is to instantly arouse clear excitement and desire in a new woman, or keep the spark alive in a relationship for life.
- Month 5 -Â
Lesson 9: Tact
Many men confuse being nice with being tactful, thinking that simply being agreeable will attract women.
However, this usually backfires because being overly nice can come across as lacking in confidence and that isnât sexually appealing to women.
Men who tend to be nice, polite and treat women well often find themselves feeling stuck and frustrated that despite their best efforts to be considerate and kind, women don't respond with the attraction or interest they hope for.
Instead of sparking desire, their niceness is seen as passive or unassertive, which isnât what sparks romantic or sexual interest in a woman.
Having tact in an attractive way is different.
Itâs about being able to navigate interactions with charm and consideration, but without diluting your masculine energy and strength.
It involves expressing your desires and opinions in a way that respects a womanâs perspective, but also clearly communicates your own, which then strikes a balance that women find both respectful and sexually appealing.
This lesson will teach you how to differentiate between being merely nice and being tactfully attractive.
You'll learn how to assert yourself effectively, ensuring that your interactions with women are not only respectful, but also have an undercurrent of sexual energy that women find irresistible.
By using tact in an attractive way, you'll see an instant change in how women respond to you, moving from mere friendliness to genuine sexual attraction and interest.
Lesson 10: Assertiveness
When a man is assertive in an attractive way, women appreciate it, respect him for it and feel magnetically drawn to him.
Itâs something that women desperately look for in a man.
Yet, many guys avoid being assertive with women because they don't know how a woman will react to it, or if she will like it.
Unfortunately, when a man is unable to assert himself, he often comes across as indecisive and lacking confidence, which can quickly reduce a woman's respect and sexual interest.
In relationships, it can lead to a dynamic of diminishing intimacy, where the woman isnât showing sexual interest or trying to initiate and the guy is too afraid to be assertive, or attempts to be assertive, but does it in the wrong way, which causes yet another rejection.
In this lesson, youâll discover how simple it is to be assertive in a way that attracts women sexually and makes women respect you, without overstepping boundaries, or feeling like you are being too bossy, or pushy.
Prepare to witness a remarkable change in how women respond to you. As you apply these techniques, you'll notice an immediate increase in attraction and respect from women, which will enhance both new encounters and deepen existing relationships.
This significant increase in your attractiveness will not only make you more appealing to women, but will also make you feel stronger and allow you to get more of what you want from women and life.
- Month 6 -Â
Lesson 11: Status
You can display high-status behaviors to attract a woman, even if youâre not successful in life.
Likewise, a man can be successful in life (or good looking), but display low-status behaviors and therefore be unattractive to women.
Unknowingly, many men display behaviors that signal low status during their interactions with women (e.g. seeking her approval, feeling nervous about his value compared to hers, being overly agreeable or keen to please), which then reduce or even kill a woman's attraction for him.
Displaying high status is essential whether you are single, or in a relationship.
You simply cannot be truly attractive to women unless you know how to display this all-important trait. Â
All across the world, women are naturally drawn to men who exude high status because it suggests that they will potentially be more respected, successful and be a better protector in the long run, compared to a man who displays low status.
This lesson will provide you with a powerful technique and plenty of examples of what to say to display high status during interactions with women.
What youâll learn in this lesson will make women see you as an attractive, valuable man now and for the rest of your life.
Lesson 12: Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence, in terms of male attractiveness to women, includes being able to handle a womanâs tests and be able to test her back in a way that causes her to feel an increased level of respect and attraction for you.
When a man doesnât know how to handle a womanâs tests of his emotional intelligence, confidence and resolve, he will often feel frustrated and sometimes even annoyed at her seemingly unnecessary hostility or rudeness.
He might then react with displays of frustration, annoyance and potentially even resentment or anger, which will further reduce the womanâs respect and attraction for him in the moment.
Women donât test men because they are mean and want to cause problems.
Instead, a woman needs to test a manâs emotional intelligence, confidence and resolve to ensure that he is capable of protecting them in social situations.
If a woman doesnât get that feeling when she first meets a guy, she will struggle to feel respect and attraction for him and will be more likely to reject him, unless he can make her feel a lot of attraction for other reasons.
In a relationship, a manâs inability to handle a womanâs tests will gradually give her more and more power, until she eventually feels like more of a mother figure, or big sister to him, which then completely kills her attraction to him.
Women wonât ever stop testing men, so this is a problem that men need to learn how to overcome.
Thankfully, the solution is easy.
This lesson will teach you an easy way to not only neutralize a womanâs tests, but allow her to feel an increased level of respect and attraction for you based on how you handle it.
She knows how difficult it is to find a man who doesnât crumble under the pressure of a womanâs tests, so when you can handle her tests (and test her back in the right way), she sees you as a valuable man and doesnât want to miss out on being with you in a dating scenario, or lose you if youâre in a relationship.
- Month 7 -Â
Lesson 13: Sexual Vibe
If a man is unable to exude the right kind of sexual vibe when interacting with a woman, he will usually find himself stuck in the friend zone with a woman he likes, or dealing with a lack of intimacy in relationships.
This absence of a sexual vibe makes it difficult for a man to ignite or sustain a womanâs sexual interest, which is crucial for building a romantic connection and maintaining one.
On the other hand, men who naturally exude a sexual vibe don't just attract women more easily; they create ongoing desire and can keep a relationship sexually active.
Importantly, having a sexual vibe isnât about being sleazy.
Instead, itâs a subtle, magnetic pull that is communicated through confidence, body language and a hint of interest that makes women feel both desired and desiring of you.
In this lesson, youâll learn the hidden secrets to cultivating a compelling sexual vibe that makes you irresistibly attractive when single, or in a relationship.
Youâll discover how to communicate your interest and desire through nuanced actions, body language and vibe that speak directly to a woman's sexual instincts.
Mastering this skill will not only increase your appeal in the eyes of women, but will also boost your confidence and effectiveness in romantic interactions, ensuring that your presence is felt and your intentions understood, without ever crossing the line into discomfort.
Prepare to be sexually attractive and desirable to women by doing subtle, discreet things that most men have no idea about and that women respect and appreciate coming from a man.
This is what sets you apart and makes women see you as a sexy, arousing man.
Lesson 14: Self-Awareness
Many men unknowingly decrease their attractiveness to women by displaying behaviors that reveal a lack of self-awareness.
This means they often don't realize how their actions and words are being perceived, which then leads to awkward, off-putting behaviors that can quickly kill romantic and sexual interest
For example: A man might think he's being confident and charming, but in reality, he is coming across as arrogant, awkwardly assertive, or just plain clueless about how he's making the woman feel.
This gap between perception and reality causes a woman to instinctively lose attraction and interest and then reject a man, which then confuses the man because he canât pinpoint what he did wrong.
From his perspective, he thought he was being confident and charming, so whatâs the problem?
On the other hand, women are incredibly attracted to men who "get it" â men who understand truly themselves, understand attraction how attraction actually works and can adjust their approach to a woman in real-time.
In this lesson, you'll learn to recognize the subtle cues that tell you how you're coming across to women (i.e. whether youâre being attractive, or unattractive).
Get ready to unlock a kind of self-awareness that makes women feel amazed and impressed by you.
Women know how difficult and rare it is to come across a man who truly gets it, so when you do, they value and appreciate you so much more.
- Month 8 -Â
Lesson 15: Emotional Independence
Even men who are fairly confident can slip into moments of emotional dependence when interacting with a woman (i.e. needing her to like him, or behave in a certain way for him to then feel okay, worthy, or good enough for her).
The shift in his emotional state, which is often very subtle, can significantly reduce a woman's attraction and respect for him in the moment.
From the womanâs perspective, it reveals an obvious crack in his emotional armor that makes him appear less emotionally secure and therefore, less attractive.
In an attempt to avoid seeming needy or weak like that, some men try to act like they donât care what women think or want because they assume that seeming detached signals strength, but itâs just an act and women can see right through it.
So, the guys who put on that act just end up remaining single, or getting dumped and men in relationships end up causing a disconnect between themselves and their woman.
The solution is to be truly emotionally independent, so you donât need a woman to behave in a certain way, or say certain things for you to feel confident, good enough and worthy in the moment.
In this lesson, you'll learn a powerful technique that effortlessly communicates to a woman that you don't need her approval.
This technique is applied in a way that's respectful and attractive, which women appreciate and admire.
While only a select few men naturally excel at being emotionally independent in an attractive way, the majority of men struggle with it and therefore, arenât ever truly attractive to women.
As a result, when you are genuinely emotionally independent, women feel magnetically attracted to you and lucky to have found a man like you.
Lesson 16: Alpha Mindset
When a guy doesnât have an alpha mindset, he will often appear indecisive, overly eager to please, or too concerned with others' opinions, which then reduces his attractiveness to women.
As a result, he will face the disappointment and heartache of repeated rejections when dating, or in long-term relationships because women simply arenât attracted to weak mindsets.
A true alpha mindset isn't about trying to dominate people, be aggressive, or be macho.
Instead, it centers on deep-seated confidence and a strong belief in your value and capabilities.
This genuine self-assurance is what makes a man extremely attractiveâit's not merely about being assertive, but about being authentically secure in who you are.
This lesson provides you with easy ways to instantly develop a real alpha mindset that naturally attracts more respect, love and sexual interest from women.
Youâll learn how to effortlessly be seen as a strong, highly valuable man when interacting with women.
Get ready to experience a level of attraction you've never seen beforeâsimple, effective, transformative.
- Month 9 -Â
Lesson 17: Witty Banter
When a man doesn't know how to use witty banter, he misses out on an easy way to build attraction with women.
Witty banter isnât something a man must do non-stop, or in every interaction with a woman, but it is something to add in for fun.
Without being able to add witty banter to a conversation, a man will find that interactions with women (both in dating and relationship scenarios) can end up feeling flat, neutral and predictable and lack the all-important spark that turns friendly conversations into flirtatious, funny and unforgettable moments of laughter and connection.
Witty banter isn't about relentless jokes or forced laughter; it's about spontaneity and connection.
It turns ordinary moments into fun, enjoyable experiences that make a woman eager for more of your company, attention and interest.
It also shows you're not just another predictable guy.
Instead, you're someone who can add some happiness and a unique twist into everyday conversations that would otherwise be boring, forgettable and predictable.
In this lesson, you'll learn an easy-to-use technique that allows you to instantly begin using witty banter to attract a woman in a dating, or relationship scenario.
Like with pretty much every lesson, this lesson includes plenty of examples of what to say. Itâs not just theory. Itâs full of practical advice and ready-to-use examples that make women laugh, smile and feel lucky to be interacting with you.
Get ready to effortlessly make interactions with women not just fun, but flirtatious and unforgettable.
Being able to use witty banter in this attractive way makes you stand out big time and women feel so appreciative of being able to get to interact with you, or be with you.
Lesson 18: Emotional Maturity
Even the most intelligent men can sometimes struggle to be emotionally mature in their interactions with women.
For example, a man might behave in an emotionally naive way around a woman (due to a lack of experience with women, or lack of knowledge about the nature of women), take what a woman says way too seriously, even though she wasnât being serious and was just being feminine or testing him, or be too emotionally sensitive when it isnât necessary or effective to do so.
Whether single or in a relationship, a lack of emotional maturity can lead to confusing rejections, breakups, or feelings of dissatisfaction for both the man and woman.
If a man is single, he will sometimes be rejected by women who, âSorry, I just see you as a friendâ or, âSorry, Iâm not looking for a boyfriendâ even though from his perspective, they getting along and everything seemed fine.
From her perspective though, she knows that heâs not experienced or knowledgeable enough about women to be able to handle a woman like her in a relationship.
She doesnât explain that to him, of course.
Women donât go around explaining these things to men.
You either get it, or you donât. Itâs as simple as that.
A lack of emotional maturity can also result in a single man sometimes being able to get to sex, or a dating relationship, but not being able to then keep the woman.
Once again, she wonât explain it to him and will often leave him by saying something like, âI just donât think weâre a good matchâ or, âI donât think it will work out between usâ and he is then left confused and frustrated at being dumped by yet another woman.
In relationships, a lack of emotional maturity can result in conflicts, frustration and even cheating if the woman feels like itâs just never going to be able to work because he doesnât seem to be improving.
This lesson directly addresses all of these challenges and offers simple, proven-to-work solutions.
After this lesson, you will better understand women's emotions (i.e. so you donât end up seeming like a naive guy to her), be able to communicate effectively and respond to conflicts with empathy and clarity (i.e. so she feels even more respect and attraction for you as a result) and be the sort of man that she feels lucky to be with (i.e. so women donât want to leave you).
Improving the trait of emotional maturity not only increases your sexual appeal to women, but it also improves all other relationships in your life.
Youâll see more respect from friends and people you work with and you will feel stronger, more competent and more mature as a man.
Unfortunately, some men only ever figure out what is taught in this lesson in their later years, whereas other men never understand it at all and go through life feeling confused and frustrated by women.
This lesson will allow you to avoid all the confusion, skip all the guesswork and just get the answers, so women will respect, admire and feel attracted to you from then on.
- Month 10 -Â
Lesson 19: Self-Respect
If asked, most men would say that they respect themselves.
Yet, when in front of a woman he finds attractive, whether in a dating or relationship scenario, a man will often accidentally show a lack of respect for himself (e.g. compromise his standards, put up with behavior from her that goes against his values, not being able to communicate or stand up for what he wants).
The woman notices and is turned off by his lack of respect for himself.
She sees him as lacking a backbone, as being weak or someone that she could easily walk all over, so she loses interest.
In response to this, some men assume that they need to be more cold, or demanding when interacting with women, but that just ends up causing even more problems for them.
As a result, he ends up feeling frustrated, stuck and confused about how to get a woman to respect him in a way that she doesnât fight against and actually admires and appreciates.
No one tells him what the solution is. Heâs just expected to know it and if he doesnât, he will continually be overlooked, or walked all over by women.
This lesson isn't just about identifying the importance of self-respect; it provides straightforward, practical examples of how to maintain your dignity and self-respect in interactions with women, in a way that women want, welcome, respect and admire.
Prepare to feel a strong, newfound respect for yourself and then enjoy being respected, desired and admired by women now and for the rest of your life.
Lesson 20: Authenticity
If a man fails to show his true, authentic self, he will attract the wrong kind of woman when single and in a relationship, he will struggle to form a truly meaningful and fulfilling connection.
Women can sense when a man isn't being genuine, which can make them feel uneasy and distrustful, which then leads to a dampened sexual and emotional connection.
This lesson will provide you with simple, effective ways to express your true thoughts, feelings and personality in a way that women find irresistibly attractive.
You'll learn how to maintain your authenticity in any situation and thereby enhance your appeal by showing that you're comfortable in your own skin. This not only makes you more desirable, but also builds a foundation for more genuine and satisfying relationships.
It feels amazing to be respected, admired, desired and loved for being your true, authentic self and it also results in a much more real, fulfilling life that you sincerely feel proud of.
- Month 11 -Â
Lesson 21: Flirting
For most men, flirting is the missing piece of the puzzle for them to be able to arouse sexual and romantic interest in a woman and then keep it alive.
Flirting is a subtle, discreet language that most women understand, but most men donât.
So, there is a huge mismatch there and a wide-open opportunity for men to use to their advantage (i.e. most men canât do it, so when you can, you are exciting, arousing and magnetically attractive to women when single and when in a relationship).
Unfortunately, some guys go through life assuming that flirting is for silly people, or is an unnecessary âmind gameâ or even a feminine style of communication, so they miss out on the instant and lasting sexual and romantic attraction it creates inside of women.
The reality is that the most intelligent, masculine men out there use subtle, discreet flirting to instantly arouse women and keep them aroused and then enjoy all the easy benefits that come with that (e.g. sex, love, devotion).
Flirting has to be done right though.
Some men attempt to flirt, but they approach it wrong and end up coming across as awkward, try-hard, or even sex-starved and desperate, which results in them being rejected.
When itâs done right, flirting is smart, sophisticated and instantly arousing to a woman.
Additionally, whenâs it done right, it always works (i.e. it always makes the woman feel attracted).
Itâs something that a man simply must know how to do if he wants success with women when single and to then be able to keep the sexual and romantic spark alive in a relationship.Â
This lesson provides you with loads of examples of what to say and do to flirt with women that you can use when single, or in a relationship.
Say goodbye to boring, flat and neutral interactions with women and get ready to experience what itâs like to have women aroused and excited to be with you sexually and romantically.
Lesson 22: Emotional Generosity
When a man uses the trait of emotional generosity correctly, he unlocks a powerful dynamic with women that gives him back much more than he puts in (i.e. she tries harder to impress him, she wants to show that she appreciates him, she is worried about losing her opportunity with him).
Unlike simply being nice to a woman, which often goes unnoticed, unappreciated or unreciprocated, emotional generosity (not to be confused with financial generosity) multiplies what you receive in return from women.
Attractive emotional generosity inspires loyalty, affection and profound attraction in women, without you having to put in loads of work (like a nice guy), buy her gifts, suck up to her, or try hard to please her.
Instead, you offer something that is free for you, but priceless to her.
Itâs so valuable to her that she naturally feels compelled to reciprocate with greater enthusiasm and passion in an initial interaction, on a date and in a relationship.
Best of all, this is actually what a woman wants. Why?
Women are at their happiest when they feel motivated to treat you well, love you and dote on you.
Women donât want to treat you badly.
They want to treat you well, but you have to bring that side of a woman out, rather than bringing out a bad side to her.
So, when you use the trait of emotional generosity in the way that I explain in this lesson, it turns out to be a win-win for you and the woman.
It also causes people to eagerly want to be your friend, try hard to spend time with you and appreciate you and value you so much more.
Itâs an easy-to-master trait that suddenly changes your life in so many positive ways.
- Month 12 -Â
Lesson 23: Untamed Energy
In today's world, it's difficult for most men to keep their energy untamed.
Misguided messages from the media (i.e. that a man should just be friends with women and wait and hope that something will eventually happen, men should be more like women, men are bad), unrealistic expectations set by social media (i.e. men need to be physically perfect, men need to be wealthy and living an amazing lifestyle) and past rejections from women can leave many men feeling like theyâre not worthy of being who they believe they are and deserve to be, deep down.
As a result, they come across as another typical tamed guy and therefore, are unattractive to women both when single and in a relationship.
At the same time though, a small percentage of men in this world have been able to maintain an untamed energy (despite experiencing rejections and being exposed to the same kind of media) and as a result, they exude a raw, unfiltered power that sets off a wild, primal attraction inside of women.
Women are drawn to these men like magnets because they exude a captivating confidence that cannot be faked.
Men who have an untamed energy are not trying to impress, or please people by suppressing their masculinity, or trying to seem docile or tame to hopefully be liked.
They know that being fake nice, or suppressing masculinity does not make people like them and in fact, often results in them being treated badly, being overlooked, rejected, dumped or ignored.
Untamed men are truly being themselves in the moment and women notice it in the subtleties of their body language, vibe, reactions, conversation, behaviors and actions.
Once again, this is not something that can be faked.
It has to be real because if a guy tries to fake it, the subtleties will be picked up by a woman and she will know that he is just another tamed guy, who is secretly living in fear and only pretending to be untamed.
In this lesson, I share the ultimate secret of untamed energy and give practical examples of how to have it, display it, experience it and enjoy all the benefits that come with it (i.e. women are irresistibly attracted to you, people admire you, you feel proud of yourself, your life feels so much more amazing and exciting).
So, forget about trying to tame yourself to hopefully be liked because as you have probably experienced so far in life, that approach doesnât work.
Get ready to embrace your untamed energy and watch as women are magnetically and irresistibly drawn to you in ways that you have never experienced before.
You will also discover a newfound sense of freedom and confidence that will transform your interactions with women and leave you feeling unstoppable.
Note: Having an untamed energy not about being reckless, rude or inconsiderate of others.
This is about having an untamed energy that is attractive to women, admired by others and endlessly fun for you to experience.
Lesson 24: Loving Dominance
When a man is single and doesn't know how to use loving dominance in interactions with women, he will often miss out on kissing, sex and a relationship because he doesnât know how to take things to the next level in the moment.
The perfect opportunity will be right there in front of him, but heâll mess up and let it slip through his fingers and regret it later.
In a relationship, he will also often fail to arouse his woman during moments that could have turned her on and resulted in sex, which then leaves both him and her feeling unfulfilled and missing out on the connection and excitement they truly desire with each other.
The trait of loving dominance helps you guide a woman towards intimacy, or intimate moments in a way that she wants (because it turns her on) and welcomes (because itâs done with love).
By learning to apply loving dominance to your interactions with women (whether you are single or in a relationship), you'll find yourself effortlessly steering conversations and encounters toward mutually enjoyable and exciting intimacy.
This lesson will unlock a lifetime of loving affection from women towards you, which sadly the majority donât get to experience.
For most men, their attraction to women often seems one-sided and women donât seem aroused or desiring of them at all, which is not only heartbreaking, but sad and very disappointing to experience as a man.
Get ready to completely transform your sexual and romantic life with women by using the powerful, arousing and magnetically attractive trait of loving dominance.
Members Are Already Getting Results With Women
The first two lessons (Confidence and Emotional Masculinity) have allowed members to get kisses, sex, dates and new girlfriends, as well as overcome approach anxiety and feel so much better about themselves overall.
Every month, members keep improving, getting better results and have even more control over their dating and relationship life.
Meanwhile, guys who don't know how to attract women properly keep messing up, or missing out on opportunities with women they like.
If you're sick and tired of not getting the results you want with women and don't want to keep getting overlooked, rejected, friend-zoned, or dumped by women, then decide right now to learn the right way to attract and keep a woman.